MORBIT’s universe is a vast and wild place. Currently, we really don’t know all that much about it, except for one odd little planet drifting around a lone sun on the eastern spiral arm of the galaxy. This planet is home to some of the weirdest creatures in the universe, although that was kind of inevitable, given the sea is sugar water. The planet and everything on it was created by multiple different gods at once, so it turned out a bit hectic. For all the chaos that brought that little planet into its place in the universe, drifting lazily on the eastern spiral arm, it’s doing its best, and who knows? Maybe one day it’ll reach out and travel to other worlds.

The world of Morbit is made to be a creative playground, full of potential for anyone to pick it up and make their own place within it. All of the species and resources found here will always be open and free, and any funding of the universe comes from donations, game projects, and our own pockets and drive. We hope to make this world into something big and exciting, and we can't do so without your help and enthusiasm. Please, share Morbit with your friends! It may seem a bit scary from the outside, but behind every monster's huge teeth lies a loving heart...most of the time.